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50th Earth Day

Written by: Caitlin Grabowski, Grade 11

As one of the most intelligent creatures on Earth, humans have the choice to greedily exploit its resources or inhabit the land sustainably. While many idly standby as Earth’s condition worsens, there are people who care and put action behind their beliefs. No lifestyle transformation is needed to help the earth. Little adjustments performed by many individuals can lead to significant change. Shopping for only what is necessary, supporting sustainable companies, eating less meat, and reusing material are simple ways to live more sustainably. Strive to be someone who shows forethought for the future and consideration for our planet. Some people believe that individual actions lack power, but one person can bring big change with simple actions. Without the individual there can be no group, no movement, and no enduring change.


124 years ago: in Sweden Svante Arrhenius published research finding that doubling CO2 would lead to dramatic global temperature increases

60 years ago: Charles Keeling measures the carbon in the air at 313 ppm at Mauna Loa, HI

58 years ago: Silent Spring by Rachel Carson is published

50 years ago: first Earth Day

22 years ago: UN establishes the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

15 years ago: 140 countries ratify Kyoto Protocol but not the US

4 years ago: Paris Climate Accord enacted and signed by all major emitters

2 years ago: Greta Thunberg strikes in Sweden

1 year ago: 4-7 million people participated in the school strike for climate across 150 different countries


50th anniversary of Earth Day

4 of the hottest years in the US have occurred within the last five years

global CO2 levels now at 413 ppm (nearly 100 ppm increase over 60 years)

Great Barrier Reef has third mass bleaching within five years, losing over 50% of its coral; research predicts coral could be gone within 80 years by 2100

What have we been doing?...

What are you going to do?

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